REPORT | Skavlan om utmaningarna med att göra en skandinavisk talkshow

Göteborg, Sverige

*This report is in Scandinavian.*

  • Den norske journalisten och programledaren Fredrik Skavlan berättade, på Bokmässan i Göteborg, om utmaningarna med att göra en skandinavisk talkshow på TV, i tolv år.

Reportrar: Magdalena Johnson & Alex Maxia

Producent: Eden Maclachlan

Find more information about Nordljud News and our reporting on our News page. For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

REPORT | Skandinavisk podcast intar scenen på Göteborgs Bokmässa

Göteborg, Sverige

*This report is in Scandinavian. Here you can listen to a version in English.*

  • Den skandinaviska podden “Norsken, Svensken og Dansken” intog scenen på Göteborgs Bokmässa. Programvärdarna Hilde Sandvik, Åsa Lindeborg och Hassan Preisler pratade med Nordljud om hur programmet startade, vikten av att prata skandinaviska och vad deras favoritdiskussionsämne är.

Reportrar: Magdalena Johnson & Alexander Maxia

Producent: Eden Maclachlan

Find more information about Nordljud News and our reporting on our News page. For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

REPORT: Interview with Norway’s PM Jonas Gahr Støre on security in the Nordics

Birte Kamille Øen interviewing Norway's Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre in Bergen. Photo credit: Helena Knag

Bergen, Norway

*Report is in English and the Interview is in Norwegian*

  • One year after the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, students at the university of Bergen decided to dedicate a night to talk about the war in Ukraine
  • Norway’s Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre held a speech at the event
  • Our reporter asks questions about security in the Nordics and how things will change with Sweden and Finland joining Nato.
  • “We do not have the interest or the capacity to be a threat (to Russia)”, said Jonas Gahr Støre.

Birte Kamille Øen in Bergen, Norway – Studentradioen i Bergen

You find more Nordic Studentradio News stories and our weekly Nordljud News bulletin on our website:

Categorized as News, Report

REPORT: UN’s vice general sec. warns about climate crisis during Uppsala lecture

Dag Hammarsköld lecture in Uppsala University's Hall, 23 February 2023. Photo: Axel Lundsrtöm

Uppsala, Sweden

  • The United Nation’s vice general secretary Amina J Mohammaed held a lecture at Uppsala University to talk about the state of the world today.
  • In her talk she highlighted several challenges the world is facing from the war in Ukraine, to the climate crisis and the increasing threat of terrorism in Africa: “In the Sahel, a lack of development, the climate crisis and government weaknesses are being exploited by terrorists”
  • Amina Mohammed’s lecture was dedicated to the memory of Dag Hammarskjöld, who died in a plane crash on duty as General Secretary of the UN in 1962.

Axel Lundström, in Uppsala – Sweden – Studentradion 98,9 –

Categorized as News, Report