Criminals use Spotify to launder money, student housing shortage in Umeå, we hear from two who met ‘Hvaldimir’ the whale in Sweden and Norway

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 36, 2023.


A investigation by Swedish newpaper Svenska Dagsbladet found that criminal gangs in Sweden use Spotify to launder money.

Outdoor camping in Umeå / Visit Umeå

Environmental activists sue the Swedish change for not doing enough to tackle climate change.

White whale ‘Hvaldimir’ photographer by Daniel Larsen Johansen in southern Norway

News Presenter: Alexander Maxia

Reporters: Astrid Einarsson in Umeå – Sweden; Daniel Larsen Johansen – Norway.

Producer: Eden Maclachlan

Published on: 8th of September 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting, check out our News homepage. For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Finnish elections, Stockholm students awarded for journalism investigation, environmentalists sue the Swedish state

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 14, 2023.

‘Eduskuntatalo (Parliament of Finland)’ by Jorge Láscar

After the Finnish parliamentary elections, outgoing Social Democratic PM Sanna Marin gained more seats, but she still lost the vote. What happens next?

 ‘Studentpriset’ by Astrid Einarsson/Nordljud

Stockholm students win prestigious journalistic award Guldspadan for their investigation into ‘conversion therapy’.

‘The houseboat at Naturbyn’ by Martin Edström/

Environmental activists sue the Swedish change for not doing enough to tackle climate change.

Icelandair is in trouble on data integrity for use of “Crew App” amongst its staff

News Presenter: Harry S. Roll

Reporters: Mira Kokko – Finland; Astrid Einarsson in Karlstad – Sweden; Alva Rosengren – Sweden.

Producer: Alexander Maxia

Published on: 4th of April 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting, check out our News homepage. For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Trondheim’s Student Union keeps fossil fuel sponsorship – despite denouncing ‘climate emergency’; 72.000 took högskoleprovet in Sweden; Salmon farming conference in Bergen & Students are already stressing for Valborg festivities

Photo credits: Hanna Steringer in Uppsala, Wikimedia Commons in Trondheim and Högskoleprovet

Trondheim’s SU keeps fossil fuel sponsorship – despite ‘climate emergency’; 72.000 took högskoleprovet in Sweden; Salmon fish-farming conference in Bergen and Students stress ahead of Valborg festivities

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 13, 2023.

  • The Student Union in Trondheim voted to keep the sponsorship deal with oil giant Equinor, despite having previously declared a “climate emergency”
  • 72.000 Swedes took högskoleprovet last Saturday, a difficult test important for getting the right grades for studying at university.
  • ‘Salmon City’ conference took place in Bergen
  • Students in Uppsala have waited in line for up to 20 hours to buy tickets, ahead of the upcoming Valborg festivities at the end of April.

News Presenter: Emma Chailloux

Reporters: Sara Ek in Trondheim – Norway; Astrid Einarsson in Umeå – Sweden; Morten Stene in Bergen – Norway; Axel Lundström in Uppsala and Lund – Sweden.

Soundmix: Axel Lundström

Producers: Alex Maxia and Emma Chailloux

Published on: 28th of March 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Nordic Countries Vote No to Climate Change Cooperation, Nordic day, do young Danes and Swedes feel ‘Nordic’?

Jan-Rune Smenes Reite; Wikicommons; Visit Oulu

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 12, 2023.

  • The Nordic Council’s annual meeting discussed the joint action to phase out the production of fossil fuels – to help the region become the world’s most sustainable region.
  • The motion to phase out fossil fuels was turned down by a narrow margin, with opponents arguing that energy uncertainty due to the war in Ukraine required delaying the goal.
  • Residents of the Nordic countries are sceptical that the current political actions will be enough to fulfil the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • What do young Swedes and Danes know about the Nordic Council and what is the first thing they think of when they hear the word ‘Nordic’?

News Presenter: Harry Roll

Reporters: Sara Ek in Reykjavik – Iceland; Petter Myrenberg in Aarhus – Denmark; Gianluca Grasselli in Gothenburg – Sweden.

Producer: Alexander Maxia

Published on: 21st of March 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

International students will start paying fees in Norway, Interview to Finnish minister on Covid borders and Loreen wins Melodifestivalen

Photo credits: Sofia Sabel/;Johannes Frandsen/Government Offices of Sweden; WikimediaCommons

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 11, 2023.

  • International students will start paying tuition fees to study in Norwegian universities
  • Interview to a professor at the University of Bergen and to a fee paying student in Sweden
  • ‘Lessons learnt’ from covid-19 pandemic, interview with Finnish minister Ville Skinnari, about the boarder bewtween Sweden and Finland during the hight of the pandemic.
  • Norwegian twins Marcus & Martinus got to the final but the winner of Melodifestivalen 2023 was Loreen.

News Presenter: Elvira Hodzic

Reporters: Morten Stene in Bergen, Norway and Javad Maleki in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Producer: Alex Maxia

Published on: 14th of March 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

– Nordljud, The Nordic Studentradio Network –

Sami protests in Oslo, challenges for newly graduated social workers in Sweden and EYP takes place in Tromso

Sami protesting in Oslo by Sandre Jordbakke, Radio Nova. Picture of suburban Stockholm and of Tromso by night from Wikicommons.

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 10, 2023.

  • Sami and environmental activists protested in Oslo against the Norwegian government for 8 days
  • Nordljud and Radio Nova interviewed Lars-Bjørnar Nøstan Knutdsen from Sami organisation Noereh and actress turned activist Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen.
  • European Youth Parliament is meeting in Tromso, Arctic Norway, this week.
  • New graduates in Social Service often work in ´problematic areas´ with little or no experience

News Presenter: Morten Stene

Reporters: Morten Stene and Sigrid Solheim Haugen in Oslo, Norway and Alva Rosengren in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Producer: Alexander Maxia

Published on: 7th of March 2023

Find more information about Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

– Nordljud, the Nordic Studentradio Network –

REPORT: Interview with Norway’s PM Jonas Gahr Støre on security in the Nordics

Birte Kamille Øen interviewing Norway's Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre in Bergen. Photo credit: Helena Knag

Bergen, Norway

*Report is in English and the Interview is in Norwegian*

  • One year after the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, students at the university of Bergen decided to dedicate a night to talk about the war in Ukraine
  • Norway’s Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre held a speech at the event
  • Our reporter asks questions about security in the Nordics and how things will change with Sweden and Finland joining Nato.
  • “We do not have the interest or the capacity to be a threat (to Russia)”, said Jonas Gahr Støre.

Birte Kamille Øen in Bergen, Norway – Studentradioen i Bergen

You find more Nordic Studentradio News stories and our weekly Nordljud News bulletin on our website:

Categorized as News, Report

Interview to Norway’s PM, Sami youth occupy energy department in Oslo, UN’s vice general sec. held a lecture in Uppsala

Photos: 'Interview to Støre' Helene Knag (Bergen), 'Sami youth protest' Beaska Niila (Oslo), 'UN vice general secretary lecture' Axel Lundström (Uppsala), Emma Chailloux (graphics)

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 9, 2023.

  • One year after the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, interview about security to Norwegian PM Jonas Gahr Støre
  • Young Sami protesters occupied the department of Energy in Oslo in a protest against the Norwegian government over a windfarm in Fossen
  • Loreen’s Melodifestivalen performence was interrupted by an activist
  • Uppsala University held a lecture with the United Nation’s vice general secretary Amina J Mohammed, in memory of Dag Hammarsjöld.

News Presenters: Charmie Lundgren and Gianluca Grasselli

Reporters: Birte Kamille Øen in Bergen, Norway and Axel Lundström in Uppsala, Sweden

Producer: Alex Maxia

Published on: 28th of February 2023

Find more information about Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

– Nordljud, the Nordic Studentradio Network –

REPORT: UN’s vice general sec. warns about climate crisis during Uppsala lecture

Dag Hammarsköld lecture in Uppsala University's Hall, 23 February 2023. Photo: Axel Lundsrtöm

Uppsala, Sweden

  • The United Nation’s vice general secretary Amina J Mohammaed held a lecture at Uppsala University to talk about the state of the world today.
  • In her talk she highlighted several challenges the world is facing from the war in Ukraine, to the climate crisis and the increasing threat of terrorism in Africa: “In the Sahel, a lack of development, the climate crisis and government weaknesses are being exploited by terrorists”
  • Amina Mohammed’s lecture was dedicated to the memory of Dag Hammarskjöld, who died in a plane crash on duty as General Secretary of the UN in 1962.

Axel Lundström, in Uppsala – Sweden – Studentradion 98,9 –

Categorized as News, Report

Chat GPT, Cyberattacks and Gothenburg Rock band reunites

Nordljud Studentradio News Podcast, week 8

  • Students across Scandinavia accused of cheating after using Chat GPT
  • Some universities are considering changing the way they do exams
  • Cyberattacks against several university websites in Sweden
  • Gothenburg Rock band “Soundtrack of our Lives” reunites this Summer
Chat GPT in action. Graphics: Morten Stene

Published on: 21st of February 2023

News Presenter: Alva Rosengren

Reporter: Morten Stene – in Bergen, Norway

Researcher: Johannes Corshammar

Producer: Alexander Maxia

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch: