Nordljud News Weekend – Gothenburg 2023

Gothenburg. Photo: Pasi Mämmelä / Pixabay

In just a few days, the Nordljud News team will meet for a long weekend in 🇸🇪 Gothenburg!

Are you in Gothenburg from the 11-13 November and would like to join us? Make sure you scroll all the way down and fill in the form!

It has been over three years now since the first joint board meeting between Studentradion i Sverige and Studentradioen i Norge. This was the start of what then became Nordljud, The Nordic Studentradio network.

The News Team is the baby within the bigger project, as it´s only a few months old.

We first started developing the news concept a year ago, when we met in 🇳🇴 Bergen. This was also the first time we got to see many of our stations’ representatives in real life.

Broadcasting from Studentradioen i Bergen

In Bergen we brainstormed on how the Nordic Studentradio News concept should take shape.

Nordljud Team in Bergen, 2022.

At the beginning of 2023 we kicked off the work with a fantastic course by Sveriges Radio P3 and NRK P3 during which we got to learn from the pros how radio news is made in an engaging way.

Radio News workshop by NRK P3 with reporter Jesper Nondal.

Shortly after we started producing our own news, in our first episode one of our reporters interviewiewd the Prime Minsiter of Norway!

Birte Kamille Øen interviewing Norway’s Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre in Bergen. Photo credit: Helena Knag

Since then we worked on improving the format, both when it comes to sound but also in regards to our website and social media.

The evolution of of Nordljud News graphics over the months

In just a few days, from the 11th to the 13th of November 2023, the Nordljud News Team will gather in Gothenburg for a long weekend of activities including team-building, talking about improvements and producing radio together.

Nordljud meeting at Radio AF in Lund. April 2023

It’s especially a time for us to return to the drawing board. What works well? What can be improved? How can we make our Nordic Studentradio News more interesting and relevant for our audience? Thanks to these questions we aim to continue developing Nordljud News, that to date is one of the few (or possibly the only) newsrooms that produces a Nordic-level news broadcast.

Nordljud team visiting NRK in Media City Bergen. October 2022.

We would not have got this far if it wasn’t for all the studentradio members from the different stations who worked hard in building the project from scratch and dedicating time and passion into developing the collaboration.

Particular thanks to Nordic Culture Point for supporting us from the very start and providing the financial means for running the project and covering the costs of when we meet in person.

Hear our latest Nordljud News Pod episode:

Nordljud News Pod is available on Spotify.

Joint Nordic pavillion at World Expo 2025, increase in cyberatacks against Norway  & Uppsala student of the year

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 43, 2023.

People standing in a modernistic empty room
Photo: The Nordic Pavilion, Rimond.
Danish flag flying in the wind
Young man smiling
Sigfrid Stjärnholm is Uppsala’s student of the year 2023. Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt.

News Presenter: Birk Cock Aschjem

Reporters:  Magdalena Johnson in Gothenburg, Sweden; Borghild Rauø in Trondheim, Norway; Vilhelm Mikael Vestman in Copenhagen, Denmark; Lina Martinell in Uppsala, Sweden.

Producer: Eden Maclachlan

Published on: 27th of October 2023

Find more information about Nordljud News and our reporting, check out our News homepage. For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Nordljud survey: how is life for international students in Scandinavia?

Photo: Redd F / Unsplash

Nordljud is on a mission to find out what life is like for internationals who choose to study in Scandinavia, in particular in Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Oslo.

We will be publishing the results on Nordljud News and making a longer podcast reportage and share our findings, later this year.

This is a collaborative project together with Spionen, Gothenburg’s Student newspaper, Radio Nova – Oslo’s Studentradio and Globalnyt, an online magazine in Denmark.

Are you an international student in one of these three cities or do you know anyone that is? Then please help us by sharing the link to this post – it would help us a lot!

Thank you very much

Alex Maxia

🇩🇰 Survey for International students in Copenaghen (and surrounding areas)

🇸🇪 Survey for International students in Gothenburg (and surrounding areas)

🇳🇴 Survey for International students in Oslo (and surrounding areas)

Group photo with the members of the Nordljud Spionen team
The Nordljud – Spionen team working together in reporting on life for international students in Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Oslo. From top left: Jazz Munteanu, Maya Lagerholm, Benjamin Nordtømme, Alex Maxia & Lasse Sørensen.
Categorized as News, Updates

Criminals use Spotify to launder money, student housing shortage in Umeå, we hear from two who met ‘Hvaldimir’ the whale in Sweden and Norway

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 36, 2023.


A investigation by Swedish newpaper Svenska Dagsbladet found that criminal gangs in Sweden use Spotify to launder money.

Outdoor camping in Umeå / Visit Umeå

Environmental activists sue the Swedish change for not doing enough to tackle climate change.

White whale ‘Hvaldimir’ photographer by Daniel Larsen Johansen in southern Norway

News Presenter: Alexander Maxia

Reporters: Astrid Einarsson in Umeå – Sweden; Daniel Larsen Johansen – Norway.

Producer: Eden Maclachlan

Published on: 8th of September 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting, check out our News homepage. For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Long rain the Nordic Studentradio network!

Looks like its time to pack away the deck chairs and find shelter in our natural habitat – the radio studios!

Studentradio stations across the Nordics are opening up again after the long summer break and starting to broadcast.

Soon enough, so will we..

Starting with Nordljud News which is back on air on Thursday the 7th of September.

Are you considering joining the Nordic Studentradio team?

You’re still in time! Check out the positions that are still available for Autumn and fill in the form to express your interests, we will be in touch!

Categorized as Updates

Finnish elections, Stockholm students awarded for journalism investigation, environmentalists sue the Swedish state

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 14, 2023.

‘Eduskuntatalo (Parliament of Finland)’ by Jorge Láscar

After the Finnish parliamentary elections, outgoing Social Democratic PM Sanna Marin gained more seats, but she still lost the vote. What happens next?

 ‘Studentpriset’ by Astrid Einarsson/Nordljud

Stockholm students win prestigious journalistic award Guldspadan for their investigation into ‘conversion therapy’.

‘The houseboat at Naturbyn’ by Martin Edström/

Environmental activists sue the Swedish change for not doing enough to tackle climate change.

Icelandair is in trouble on data integrity for use of “Crew App” amongst its staff

News Presenter: Harry S. Roll

Reporters: Mira Kokko – Finland; Astrid Einarsson in Karlstad – Sweden; Alva Rosengren – Sweden.

Producer: Alexander Maxia

Published on: 4th of April 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting, check out our News homepage. For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Trondheim’s Student Union keeps fossil fuel sponsorship – despite denouncing ‘climate emergency’; 72.000 took högskoleprovet in Sweden; Salmon farming conference in Bergen & Students are already stressing for Valborg festivities

Photo credits: Hanna Steringer in Uppsala, Wikimedia Commons in Trondheim and Högskoleprovet

Trondheim’s SU keeps fossil fuel sponsorship – despite ‘climate emergency’; 72.000 took högskoleprovet in Sweden; Salmon fish-farming conference in Bergen and Students stress ahead of Valborg festivities

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 13, 2023.

  • The Student Union in Trondheim voted to keep the sponsorship deal with oil giant Equinor, despite having previously declared a “climate emergency”
  • 72.000 Swedes took högskoleprovet last Saturday, a difficult test important for getting the right grades for studying at university.
  • ‘Salmon City’ conference took place in Bergen
  • Students in Uppsala have waited in line for up to 20 hours to buy tickets, ahead of the upcoming Valborg festivities at the end of April.

News Presenter: Emma Chailloux

Reporters: Sara Ek in Trondheim – Norway; Astrid Einarsson in Umeå – Sweden; Morten Stene in Bergen – Norway; Axel Lundström in Uppsala and Lund – Sweden.

Soundmix: Axel Lundström

Producers: Alex Maxia and Emma Chailloux

Published on: 28th of March 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Nordic Countries Vote No to Climate Change Cooperation, Nordic day, do young Danes and Swedes feel ‘Nordic’?

Jan-Rune Smenes Reite; Wikicommons; Visit Oulu

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 12, 2023.

  • The Nordic Council’s annual meeting discussed the joint action to phase out the production of fossil fuels – to help the region become the world’s most sustainable region.
  • The motion to phase out fossil fuels was turned down by a narrow margin, with opponents arguing that energy uncertainty due to the war in Ukraine required delaying the goal.
  • Residents of the Nordic countries are sceptical that the current political actions will be enough to fulfil the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • What do young Swedes and Danes know about the Nordic Council and what is the first thing they think of when they hear the word ‘Nordic’?

News Presenter: Harry Roll

Reporters: Sara Ek in Reykjavik – Iceland; Petter Myrenberg in Aarhus – Denmark; Gianluca Grasselli in Gothenburg – Sweden.

Producer: Alexander Maxia

Published on: 21st of March 2023

Find more information abot Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

Sami protests in Oslo, challenges for newly graduated social workers in Sweden and EYP takes place in Tromso

Sami protesting in Oslo by Sandre Jordbakke, Radio Nova. Picture of suburban Stockholm and of Tromso by night from Wikicommons.

The Nordic Studentradio News podcast for week 10, 2023.

  • Sami and environmental activists protested in Oslo against the Norwegian government for 8 days
  • Nordljud and Radio Nova interviewed Lars-Bjørnar Nøstan Knutdsen from Sami organisation Noereh and actress turned activist Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen.
  • European Youth Parliament is meeting in Tromso, Arctic Norway, this week.
  • New graduates in Social Service often work in ´problematic areas´ with little or no experience

News Presenter: Morten Stene

Reporters: Morten Stene and Sigrid Solheim Haugen in Oslo, Norway and Alva Rosengren in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Producer: Alexander Maxia

Published on: 7th of March 2023

Find more information about Nordlud News and our reporting on our News page.

For questions, comments and news tips – get in touch:

– Nordljud, the Nordic Studentradio Network –

REPORT: Interview with Norway’s PM Jonas Gahr Støre on security in the Nordics

Birte Kamille Øen interviewing Norway's Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre in Bergen. Photo credit: Helena Knag

Bergen, Norway

*Report is in English and the Interview is in Norwegian*

  • One year after the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, students at the university of Bergen decided to dedicate a night to talk about the war in Ukraine
  • Norway’s Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre held a speech at the event
  • Our reporter asks questions about security in the Nordics and how things will change with Sweden and Finland joining Nato.
  • “We do not have the interest or the capacity to be a threat (to Russia)”, said Jonas Gahr Støre.

Birte Kamille Øen in Bergen, Norway – Studentradioen i Bergen

You find more Nordic Studentradio News stories and our weekly Nordljud News bulletin on our website:

Categorized as News, Report